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Spiritual War

We have seen a number of physical wars throughout history, the World Wars and other numerous conflicts over time that have been written about or portrayed in documentaries, movies or television shows, and as a result of this we all have an idea or image (albeit it may be a false one) of what a physical war looks like, but alongside every physical war throughout history, there has also been an ongoing spiritual war.

So to understand how to fight and win a spiritual war, one must first understand what is meant by the term spiritual war. Spirit as a word has a number of different meanings depending upon the cultural context or lens you are viewing through. It can be used to describe a type of ghost or supernatural being, for Christians it can be aligned with the Holy Spirit, for some familiar to the new age movement, it can sometimes be used to talk about some form of connection to something else, be it nature, universal intelligence, God, Creator or the Universe, as in I am spiritual and for others it may be ‘the thing’ which gives the human being life.

Rudolph Steiner talks about the human being as having three sides to its nature: body, soul and spirit. He defines body as that through which ones environment reveals itself to that person, the soul is that which one links these things to their own being, and the spirit is that which becomes manifest in a person when they look at things as a ‘divine being’¹.

A spiritual war is really an attack on all three of these aspects of this nature, as it impacts ones view of the world physically, how you feel about the world internally and also your connection to your higher self or purpose, be it God, the Universe or whatever other term you may connect with. It is clear though a war waged on a spiritual level not only attacks the union between the individual and their connection with their higher self, it also attacks the connections shared between groups of people.

Today the spiritual war continues to rage, with a non stop narrative designed to illicit three key feelings or emotions, fear, helplessness and hopelessness. Whether it is the fear, helplessness and hopelessness associated with the whole COVID narrative: the cases, the variants, the man made laws or mandates, the vaccinated or the unvaccinated, or whether it is other issues like climate change, cyber attacks, terrorism, or geopolitics that is causing these emotional states, it is important to understand the impacts this has on ones connection between body, soul and spirit. This is alongside the covert attacks that are part of this spiritual battle: hyper-materialistic consumption, pornography, the gender division, religious division, breakdown of family units, narratives around political correctness and diversity, all of which are designed to confuse, distract, divide, disconnect and ultimately destroy the connection between body, soul and spirit, individually, and also collectively within groups of people.

You see the spiritual war is a war waged against frequency, and it is won or lost based on whether people are experiencing constant feelings of helplessness, fear, sadness and apathy or whether they are experiencing constant feelings of courage, love, compassion and faith. David Hawkins talks about the scale of emotions, which corresponds to levels of consciousness, whereby he discusses that everything emits energy, whether it is positive or negative. It is important to note that courage is a critical point on the scale of emotions as this is when the energy shifts from negative to positive. It should be also noted that apathy (hopelessness), grief (helplessness) and fear are three of the bottom five negative energies on the scale of emotions, alongside shame and guilt².

Spiritual Wars are won or lost on an individual level, with ones own ‘inner being’. If you are not ready and have not taken the time to look inward and get yourself spiritually ready, then the chaos and incoherence you face each day in your outer world will ultimately paralyse you as without inner peace you won’t have the energy or emotions to deal with this constant attack. Remember in a physical war, there are bombs, bullets and tanks, but a spiritual war is often fought with words, messaging and images. A physical war involves violence, a spiritual war involves coercion, although one could argue this line is currently blurred. You see this spiritual war is one that has been going on for centuries, it is just now that it seems to be so overt in it’s attack on such a global scale.

Fighting back is simple, but certainly not easy. We all have the weapons and defences we need already within us, we just need to connect or reconnect with what lies within in order to fight back.

Weapons of Choice for Spiritual War


In order to be spiritually fit to fight this war, you must live a life of the highest integrity. And for anyone who thinks they have this already sorted, I would suggest unless you consider yourself an enlightened being, this is an ongoing journey. This involves being constantly vigilant of thoughts, actions, physical things, where you spend your money, where you bank and what you invest in, the people you surround yourself with, where you spend your time and what you give your energy to. Sometimes you receive new information which sheds light on some part of your life that is lacking integrity – when this happens this may mean another change in your life to bring integrity back into balance. That could involve a change of friendship circles, a change in food sources, a change in the stores you shop at, but like most good things in life there are no shortcuts to be had, just constant effort, but with that constant effort comes constant rewards.


The word consciousness is a word that has been used and misused often in recent years, and it is a word that has so many different meanings, whether psychological, medical or new age, they all have their own lens, but a very crude definition of consciousness is just awareness. You are either conscious or aware of what you are thinking, feeling, and doing, or you are unconsciousness, not aware of what you are thinking, feeling and doing.

But when we look at this from a spiritual war point of view, it is slightly more complicated, because our consciousness or awareness, may not even be our own, it may be heavily influenced by the collective consciousness. Remember the spiritual war is waged on people with images, words, messaging, marketing, programming and propaganda, so how much of our consciousness, or awareness is impacted by this?

How much of our lives, be it our thoughts, words or actions are habits that have been programmed into us over time. Do we even give ourselves the time and space to consider where our thoughts come from? Or are they even our own?

Thinking about consciousness in a different way and having an openness to consider that your reality may be just something that has been manufactured over many years is a great place to start looking into ones own level of consciousness and beginning to free yourself from years of programming. Once done you can begin to form thoughts and feelings that are actually your own, that come from within. You can then take actions that are in alignment with what you know to be true and good.


Faith is again a term that may be misunderstood, based on religious dogma; however I see faith as a critical weapon to defend ourselves in spiritual warfare. Faith is a belief in something that you know to be true, or a strong conviction in something; however from a spiritual perspective it is a belief in something that you may not be able to experience with your physical senses. For some it may be God, for others it is the Universe or Divine Intelligence, but I believe it is this type of faith that has a significant role to play in spiritual war.

A spiritual war involves many competing weapons, many of which are invisible, whether it is energy frequencies, mind control, subliminal programming, alongside whatever darker spiritual forces are at work, it is faith which will combat this. When we look at how some human beings continue to treat other human beings, it is clear that there are some darker evil spiritual forces at work, and if this is what we are at war with, then one can assume that there are good spiritual forces that can help us to battle these dark forces.

Lastly on faith, it requires creativity and imagination. Catherine Austin Fitts has said it is not enough to stop the evil, we must be able to imagine what type of world we can build together³. For me this is a world with communities living a simple, peaceful, rewarding, loving and sustainable existence in harmony with natural law.


I mentioned earlier Steiner’s three sided view of human nature, being body, soul and spirit. It is also important to consider a three sided view as thoughts, words and actions. Are these in alignment? Remember your thoughts may not be your own, yet it may be someone else's thoughts that begin the chemical reactions in your body, which lead to the emotions (and therefore memories) which then lead to your actions. Those actions then become less conscious, less aware and less deliberate than they would be were you in control of your own thoughts.

In a spiritual war, which remember is a war on frequency, where the battle is won or lost based on the scale of emotions, are we keeping our energy positive? Are we loving and nourishing our body, our soul and our spirit? Are we making sure our thoughts are aligned with positive emotions like courage, whereby we feel effective action is possible, or willingness, whereby we are happy to help others, or acceptance whereby we no longer feel the need to blame others, and ultimately where we get to compassion and love⁴. When we are in alignment, there is no inner conflict that exists, as we are thinking, feeling and acting in complete harmony.


In a spiritual war, humanity is divided, men against women, kids against parents, religion against religion and now vaccinated against unvaccinated. It is such an easy trap to fall into when we judge another for a decision they have made, or something they see differently to how we see it. I have heard the term people are sleeping, or others being referred to as ‘sheeple’. The truth is we have all been on both sides of this coin, whereby we have been the one ‘asleep’ or not ready for whatever it was someone was trying to share with us.

Having compassion is critical, it ensures we view everyone as human beings, which helps to ensure we all stay connected to that Divine Intelligence that connects us all. The truth is that some people have certain spiritual growth they must go through in this life, and they will make decisions in the physical world, which may frustrate us, bemuse us, shock us and sadden us, but it must be remembered it is their journey. We are not to know what lessons someone needs to learn, nor can we know what unique individual circumstances led a person to the point they are at now, so having compassion for others is an important tool for us all, especially now.


Love in the English language means lots of things, fondness, affection, deep care, passion and desire, and in the Greek language, they actually distinguish between these types of love, with at least four different words to describe love. The type of love I am referring to here is known in Greek as Agápe, which refers to a selfless kind of love, one that is not motivated by self interest or self preservation, it is love motivated by the welfare and care for others. In the Bible it is referred to as expressing the essential nature of God.

Imagine feeling this type of love, even for moments throughout a day, let alone being able to remain in this frequency for extended periods of time. The headlines, the words, the images, it all vanishes in an instant when our frequency is aligned with this type of selfless love. This is really the ultimate weapon in a spiritual war, having this type of love puts an end to the war, for us as individuals, but also for all of humanity.

How the Spiritual War Ends?

This outcome is determined by each of us individually to ensure that we are spiritually ready to fight this war. We do this by ensuring we have the weapons and defences that are listed above. We fight this war, not physically, but first internally with ourselves. We ensure we think, act and speak with the utmost integrity, compassion and love. We keep genuine faith that we will not only survive, but thrive. We continue to be aware of our thoughts, and make sure they are ours, not those given to us by someone else. We stand firm as a spiritual warrior and if we win this spiritual war within ourselves, as individuals, the whole energy shifts. When we master this aspect of self, we can then lead and inspire others to do the same with courage, compassion, love and peace the dominant frequencies that will resonate amongst new communities and groups of people. This is how we win the war on spirit.


1. Steiner, R., Theosophy: An introduction to the supersensible knowledge of the world and the destination of man. England: Rudolph Steiner Press, 2005.

2. Hawkins, D., Letting Go: The pathway of surrender. USA: Hay House Inc., 2012.

4. Hawkins, D., Power vs Force: the hidden determinants of human behaviour. USA: Hay House Inc., 1995.

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